Top Ten Internet Speeds by Country 2023
The internet is vital to our modern world, enabling everything from endless animal videos and online shopping to deep academic research and remote work. The internet of today is faster than ever. Especially in developed nations, it enables us to watch TV shows and movies on our phones, download massive files in minutes, and collaborate with teammates in real-time via streaming video meetings. That said, some readers may be surprised to learn that other nations around the world have even faster speeds. Even if you’re paying a premium price for a top-tier service, some of the fastest internet speeds in the world may not even be available in your country. According to internet speed specialists Ookla the global average download speed on fixed broadband as of September 2021 was 113.25 Mbps on fixed broadband and 63.15 Mbps on mobile. These are both notable improvements over the scores of 85.73 Mbps broadband and 35.96 Mbps mobile just one year earlier in September 2020. As technology...